Personal Counselling
Here at U1ST Counselling, we have a fantastic grasp and understanding of mental health, and how to combat the problems we can all face. If you are feeling fatigued or run down, this may be a great idea for you. You may be :
*emotional – angry, sad,… etc.
*have a lack of focus
*can’t sleep
I’m sure you’ve heard the saying ‘you can’t pour from an empty glass’, but unfortunately, it’s how many people are living their lives. Not only is your mental health a priority for your family and your job, it is important for you!
Here at U1ST, we will not only listen when you need it the most, but we will offer constructive, healing advice, to help make things better. Although repeat customers are nice in the business world, our goal is to heal you so much, you don’t need our services anymore!
Business Counselling
This is a service we are proud to be offering. We live in a time, that employers are seeing how important it is, to look after the mental health and wellbeing of their staff. Unfortunately, not all businesses have the resources available to help. Having an in house team or counsellor, is a very expensive procedure, and one not all ‘small to medium’ size businesses can afford.
For this reason, I’ve created a service that can benefit these companies. Companies can purchase hours of counselling, and use them when they need too. It ensures you have the required care available, if you ever need it. Regardless of the size of your workforce, making sure you are all looked after mentally, ensures a smoother running business.
If you want improve the mental health and wellbeing of your staff, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We are more than happy to help.