Motivational talks – Keynote speaker
If you want to show people, that anything is possible, magical things can happen and that mental health DOES NOT control your outcome; you’ve came to the right place!
The motivational talk I offer, is the most heart-breaking, epic story that I have ever heard… and it’s my story.
It’s how I basically started my life, as a blue eyed child, with not a care in the world, as most, I was filled with innocence. My parents separated when I was small, which did have a few knock on effects, but I had 2 loving parents, all the same. Academically, I was really smart. I done well at school, surprising a lot of people, as I wasnt exactly a ‘listener’. Now this continued, until my teenage years… Where my innocence disappeared.
I became a bit of a bad boy. This began with trivial things, like skiving school and smoking… but eventually became much worse. After an exclusion from one school and leaving the second with no GCSEs, I’d set my life up badly. I was a bit of a sausage.
I continued my ‘sausage’ life until I was around 28, which was when my life changed dramatically. I suffered a catastrophic accident, resulting in severe injuries, ranging from a broken back to head trauma. I was physically broken and my family was told I may never recover. I was diagnosed with PTSD, depression and anxiety. Quite frankly, I was suicidal for a long time.
The rest of the story has become the basis for my presentation and is also how my business was born. My experience provided me with a first hand insight into coping with serious mental health issues. I learnt not only how to fight the problems I had, but how to destroy them. Now I’m helping other people do the same.
If you think my presentation would be of value to your organisation, be it a corporate setting, a charity, or a school/college, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Public Speaking